Making sales easy
Regardless of where you may live in the US, Canada or worldwide, we are buyers for your car or
collection. In most case you only need to send us detailed cell phone photos, a photo of the front and
back of your title and, once we agree on a price, we send you payment in full and pickup your car or
collection once you are paid in full. It’s that easy.
Consignment breakdown and fees
If you consign your Ferrari or other collectable we deal with the logistics of pickup, trucking, (any needed)
mechanical repairs, (any needed) safety items, detailing, videos, photos, marketing, advertising your car
on other media, negotiating the sale price, banking, shipping and more. All of our out-of-pocket expenses
are then paid to us from the final sales price. The title stays with you until you are paid in full. As the
owner you need to maintain your insurance and provide proof of insurance while your car is with us. See
below for a breakdown of the many aspects of the work we do to maximize a consignment sale.
1/ Trucking: We arrange the pickup and trucking of your car, you can pre-pay the trucking or we will pay
the cost and we are then reimbursed once your car is sold.
2/ Mechanical work: We inspect your car and determine the work needed to maximize the sale of your
car. We then prepare an estimate for that work for your approval, which can include a minor service, a
major service, A/C repairs, safety items and more. If we sublet minor work you can pay directly or we can
pay the costs and we are then reimbursed once your car is sold. For major repairs you can pay the sublet
shop directly once the work is done.
3/ Detailing: We not charge to detail your car, unless major detailing such as minor paint work, a buff of
the complete paint, or a steam clean of the engine bay and undercarriage area needed. We will send an
estimate and get your approval before any major detailing work.
4/ Videos: We charge $500 (our cost for the videographer) for one of our professional videos
and the video editing needed to show your car in action
5/ Photography: We obsessively photograph your car with 100 plus photos, including underside, spare
parts, books and tools and any special features or extras. There is no charge.
6/ Description: We research then write a thorough description outlining the service and ownership
history and the condition of your car and best features. There is no charge.
7/ Website: Your car gets a dedicated page on our website to display the photos and description. There is
no charge.
8/ E-mailer: We prepare an e-mailer that is sent out to our e-mail list of thousands and thousands of
subscribers. There is no charge.
9/ Social media: We post every car to the appropriate Facebook listing, plus you-tube, Instagram, Tik Tok,
Linked in, twitter and the appropriate clubs or chat group for every make and model car. There is no
10/ Advertising: Your car can also be placed in print and online ads in publications such as Sports Car
Market, Hemmings, Classic Driver and many others depending upon the type of car. We charge at our
11/ Inquiries and Offers: We answer all inquiries about your car, keep an accurate log of all inquiries,
supply photos or documents as needed to every person that inquires, show the car to prospective
interested parties, facilitate pre-purchase inspections, and negotiate offers and counter offers.
12/ Paperwork and shipping: We handle the paperwork to complete the deal, including complex
transactions such as part trades and exports. For California sales, we go to the DMV on behalf of the
buyer so all they need to do is await the new title and registration if applicable.
Because of California’s draconian smog laws and the bizarre potential penalties we normally do not sell
post 1974 carburated cars to anyone living in the Socialist Peoples Republic of California.
Ferraris Online charges a percentage of the sale price which varies based on the car’s type and value. In
contrast, selling your car though one of the major auction houses will ultimately cost about 10% (or
more) on BOTH the buyer’s and seller’s sides. Therefore, the seller usually only realizes about 80% of
what the buyer actually paid for the car. Additionally there are only three major auction weeks,
Scottsdale, Amelia Island and Monterey, so your car must be committed and sent to an auction house
months in advance, and then held post auction in the hope there is a post-auction sale, taking your car
off the market for months.
Our consignment fees breakdown:
CARS UP TO $50,000 Sold at a 15% Commission Rate
$50,000–$150,000 Sold at a 10% Commission Rate
$150,000–$250,000 Sold at a 8% Commission Rate
$250,000–$1,000,000 Sold at a 6% Commission Rate
CARS OVER $1,000,000 Sold at a 5% Commission Rate
ESTATE SALES UNDER $100,000 Sold at a 15% Commission Rate
ESTATE SALES OVER $100,000 Sold at a 10% Commission Rate
RACE CARS Sold at a 10% Commission Rate
CARS IN PARTS Sold at a 15-20% Commission Rate
REPLICAS Sold at a 10% Commission Rate
PREWAR CARS Sold at a 10% Commission Rate