Ferraris Online has been specializing in selling exotic cars for almost 50 years, and as technology has advanced we have advanced right along with it. Today, when we sell a car we let potential buyers see the car start, hear the engine perform under various speeds and conditions, watch the car run through the gears, and have the opportunity to learn the history of the car all while watching a high quality video. We not only video the cars we have on consignment, but occasionally will also video cars that we have helped source and purchase for clients. Once bought, we assist in arranging the trucking and have the cars shipped to us for a video post sale. During the video process the cars are driven for anywhere from 30 minutes all the way to two hours, giving us a chance to evaluate the condition of the car and recommend any possible maintenance for the clients to make sure they can safely and confidently enjoy their car when it is finally shipped to them.

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