- MakeFerrari
- Model250 MM
- Year1953
- Serial #0250 MM
- Engine TypeTipo 101
- Chassis TypeTipo 101
- Build Sequence #1
- Number Built18
- Body TypeBerlinetta
- Body BuilderPinin Farina
- First OwnerRol
One of 18 alloy–bodied competition Berlinettas built by Pinin Farina. Raced extensively by Salvatore Ammendola. Beautifully restored in the 1990s by DK Engineering. Completed the 1998 Mille Miglia without problems. First in class at the Amelia Island Concours d’Elegance, 1999. Excellent car. Needs nothing. Ready to race or show and eligible for any event on the planet.
#1. 0250 MM. Pinin Farina job number 11189 and 12248. Rol (I).
1953, 23 Jan., completed chassis and drive–train delivered to Carrozzeria Pinin Farina for installation of the first of a new series of Berlinetta bodies. When new the nose looked almost exactly like s/n 422 and s/n 452, both 500 Mondial Berlinettas by Pinin Farina.
1953, 01 Mar., Carrozzeria work completed.
1953, 12 Apr., raced at the XIII Giro di Sicilia, DNF, crash. Driven by Sig. Franco Rol and co–driven by Sig. Macchieraldo.
1953, 21 Apr., Franco Rol, Torino, Italy, took official delivery of the car.
1954, 4 July, Bolzano–Mendola Hillclimb, Salvatore Ammendola.
1954, 11 July, Coppa Dolomiti Gold Cup, 4th Ammendola #105.
1954, 25 July, San Bernardo Osta–Gran Hillclimb, Salvatore Ammendola #160.
1954, 24 Oct., Sass–Superga Hillclimb, 1st, Salvatore Ammendola.
1953, 03 Nov., delivered back to Pinin Farina for repairs and fitted with a new Pinin Farina nose (job no. 12248). Front end modified similar to 250 MM Pinin Farina Berlinetta s/n 0354MM. A 375 MM Pinin Farina Berlinetta was also fitted with a similar lower more penetrating nose. After completion of all work the car was sold to Sig. Mario Idelba in Italy. Then sold to an enthusiast in England. Large air outlets were then added to both front fenders.
1964, late, overhauled and serviced by Merchiston Motors in England.
1965, May, advertised for sale in British magazine “Motor Sport” by Ian Sutherland of Angus, England with an asking price of 1,000 English pounds.
1966, purchased by BOAC air steward named Barry Ward. Ward then arranged for BOAC to air freight the car to New York, NY. Ward then drove the car from New York to Atlanta, Georgia.
1966, sold to George Sterner, York, PA.
1966, November, offered for sale by Mr. Sterner.
Later purchased by Richie Gorman’s Competition Motors, Brooklyn, NY.
1971, sold by Mr. Gorman to Walter Lewis Hagstrom, NYC, NY.
1970s, mid, purchased by Ed Williman, NYC, NY.
1989, sold through Mr. Eric Harrison of Paris, France to Hartmut Ibing, Dusseldorf, Germany.
1989, sold by Mr. Ibing to Dietrich Von Botticher of Munich, Germany.
1991, car is delivered to David Cottingham’s DK Engineering facility in Rickmansworth, England for a ground–up restoration.
1992, sold to Dietrich Von Botticher (D), for 4.5 DM.
1992, February, inspected by Chris Renwick while being restored by DK Engineering. Totally apart.
1992, 1 June, inspected by Chris Renwick at Cottingham’s. All engine work and body work done. Still needs paint and assembly
1995, restoration finished after four years and 150,000 pounds in expenses.
1996, January, as per list compiled by Andreas Birner, this is a car of particular interest in Germany owned by Von Botticher. 1996, retained by Von Botticher and stored at Mr. Cottingham’s DK Engineering facility.
1997, 3–4 Apr., displayed by Kolte’s Auto–Salon of Singen during the Techno Classica Show in Essen, Germany.
1997, 25–27, July, displayed during Coys historic race festival at Silverstone, England.
1997, 28 July, sold by Von Botticher to Symbolic. Very nice restoration
1997, August, at the Symbolic display at the Concours Italiana.
1997, September, sold by Mike Sheehan to current owner in 250 GTO taxtrade, sold/traded/valued at $755,000 plus the usual modest yet humble commission to M. Sheehan.
1998, 14–18 May, Mille Miglia, Storica, current owner.
1999, Amelia Island Concours d’Elegance. First in Class Award.
2000, 02 Aug., Marcel Massini wrote as follows to the Telaio group:
Salvatore Ammendola raced 0250 MM, a genuine 3–liter 250 MM Berlinetta Pinin Farina, which in the beginning had a completely different nose than it does today. Originally looked almost exactly as the two 500 Mondial Berlinetta Pinin Farina. The front of 0250 MM was changed (updated to the later style 250 MM or 375 MM nose, Pininfarin job # 12248) I have old b–w pix with the Italian plate and have the Italian PRA docs which confirm the chassis number.
2000, 06 Aug., as per e–mail from Marcel Massini to the telaio group;
Ammendola had 250 MM s/n 0250 MM! I have lots of photos also showing plates plus PRA docs which confirm S/N.
2001, 16 Apr., the owner sent a good set of photos. As per the owner it’s time to market the car and find it a new home. He did the Mille Miglia, had his fun, he is happy!
2001, 19 May–16 June, for sale in FMl by M. Sheehan. Display ad on p. 25. $1.05 million.
2001, 30 May, e–mail from D. von Boetticher;
Subject: Ferrari 250 MM.
Dear Mr. Sheehan,
With reference to your fax of May 15, 2001 I can confirm to you that the body of the car was completely original when I bought it and was kept original in the restoration process. I am sending you by e–mail copies of the photos which I have on this car which show the progress of the restoration. If you have any further question, please let me know.
2001, 12 June, as per e–mail from Harald Mergard:
Subject: Hi Mike.
You can find 250 MMs on the Barchetta site at http://www.barchetta.cc/All.Ferraris/0250mm